How to infuse your cucumber, mint and lemon into ice cubes

How-To Tuesday

Burst some flavor in your water without all the sugar.  Bring your spa experience home with you.


How to make a cucumber, mint, lemon zest infused ice cube

Add a slice of cucumber, lemon zest, and mint to each square

DIY your cucumber, mint, lemon ice cubes

Add water to the ice cube tray

How to make a cucumber, mint, lemon zest infused ice cube

Set in freezer overnight

How to make a cucumber, mint, lemon zest infused ice cube

Add to your water & enjoy the flavor of healthy!

How to make a cucumber, mint, lemon zest infused ice cube

Fill your ice cube with your favorite fruits for a fruit infusion!

No time for ice cubes, try a Detox Water!

How to make your own detox water

Detox = not me

But detox H2o now I can do that.  It’s simple and healthy, right down my alley.

{MINT} + {LEMONS} + {CUCUMBERS} = Detox H2o

Detox Water

{MINT} aids in stomach digestion

{LEMONS} give your immune system a boost, aid in digestion and cleanse your system

{CUCUMBERS} re-hydrate your system and aid in digestion 


1. Wash and cut a few thin slices of lemon

2. Wash and cut a few thin slices of cucumber

3. Wash a sprig of mint

4. Fill a container with water and add ingredients

5. Cover container and leave out over night

Enjoy a glass first thing in the morning as the combination of ingredients in the water stimulate your liver and help it detox along with feeling energized for the day.  Sip throughout the day.